Battle Arena
by Daniel Helmick
Battle Arena
by Daniel Helmick
SlugWars: The Games!
SlugsWars is a collection of games on different platforms to let you enjoy building your slug’s powers and abilities and then battle each other in the SlugWars Battle Arena.
The Pursuit of Passion
What do you want to be when you grow up Daniel? … A video game creator? Ok, then. Let’s get started. What’s your game? SlugWars – slugs battle each other with salt weapons and each slug has special powers… Let’s do it!

Daniel: The Creator
Daniel Helmick is the creative imagination behind SlugWars – one of his many ideas for some amazing video games. Whether it’s Fortnite, Roblox, Steam or anything reptiles, Daniel is a force to be reckoned with…

Paul: GenX Geek
I’m all in to help Daniel learn how to design, create and publish video games. Daniel’s an awesome young man. It’s pretty cool to spend time with him figuring out new stuff together.
My Blog: Sharing My Learning Journey
My favorite book series: Amulet
I am the type of person that does not like books easily. But I only like Dairy of a Wimpy Kid but most of all I LOVE AMULET! But in my opinion I think all kids would like this. Kazu Kibushi you are the best author in the GALAXY. I read all your books. I wish you made...
How to make crossy road on ScratchJr (Brief Tutorial)
This is an easy to understand video to help you learn how to make this game in 9 minutes! Scratch Jr is a very easy way to learn to program on your iPad Just listen to the directions. You don't have to use exact characters they show - you can do anything you want....
How to Publish a Blog Post
Daniel's notes on creating a blog post.
Roblox Building Tutorial
Here is a great video that teaches you how to build objects in Roblox, use some keyboard shortcuts and several helpful plugins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUiB_YkWZLQ
Roblox Obby Tutorial
Here is a s simple tutorial on how to make a Roblox obstacle course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWUbmR9EmLU
Roblox Developer Conference 2019
Roblox just had their annual developers conference for game creators in San Francisco, CA Here is a link to all of the videos from the conference https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/resources/rdc Watch this two minute video showing all of the creators getting ready for...
Learning Roblox Studio Basics
Here is a link to lessons on how to create a Roblox game using the Developer Studio Lessons: https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/learn-roblox/studio-basics Creating Your First Game: https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/Creating-Your-First-Game
Videos to Learn Scratch Jr. on your iPad
Here is playlist of 53 short videos we put together for 5-7 year olds to learn coding on their iPad. Click here to get the free app for your iPad or Android Tablet: https://www.scratchjr.org/ The first few videos on the playlist provide an overview of the tool/app,...
Cross Jesus
Here is a very cool 3D cross and a Jesus fish word art design. We were able to print both of these at the same time as you can see.
Two Winged 3D Dragon
This one was real hard to make. We had to try a couple of times. To do it, we had to print each wing by itself, then the body, then snap it together. It's one of the coolest creations we have made.
St Patrick’s Day: Green & 3D & Friends
St. Patricks day was fun. My day loves his picture with the leprechaun! I made 3D dice, a cookie cuter and a nameplate for my friend Makenna. We had a fun time at her family's annual St. Patricks day party! [video...
3D Butterfly
These flexi-models ate so cool. This one was for Lily. She loves it! It took 2 hours to print.
Designing a Logo
Lots of different ideas. Wanted slug eyeballs. Like the Star Wars looking letters. Want to round the S letters more on each end to look even more like a slug. Want to space the letters out more. Version 1.1 Slug Outlines Star Wars Looking...
3D Yorkie
Check it out! Snuggles got his own 3D creation today! It's a little keychain design we found on Thingiverse
3D Dog/Fox
Is it a dog? or is it a fox? I'm not sure but it's cool.
3D Centipede
It's just like a slug -- with a whole lot of legs!
3D Name tags
Lily wanted to make a name tag for her friends. We used to tinker cad and made a rectangle, use the letters and found a couple of shapes to elevate and bump in close on each end of the name tag. We changed the filament string to blue because that is their favorite...
3D ‘Benchy’ Tugboat
This is a very popular model that everybody prints to see if their printer is configured properly.